Policy & Procedures.
CC Celebrations is committed to a high level of professional and ethical service for all clients as detailed [but not limited to] the Marriage Act 1961; Guidelines on the Marriage Act 1961; Marriage Regulations 2017,Code of Practice for Marriage Celebrants 37L; Migration Act 1958;Privacy Act 1988;Copyright Act 1965; Anti-Discrimination Laws [Age Discrimination Act, Disability Discrimination Act, Race Discrimination, Sex Discrimination Act]; Competition and Consumer Act.
CC Celebrations will regularly update all material [not limited to] Relationship Counselling Services, Invoicing and Payment Procedures, Equipment Maintenance, Document Storage etc.
CC Celebrations will comply with and where necessary ensure all Ongoing Professional Development is current and relevant to comply with the Attorney Generals Department requirements.
CC Celebrations will comply with all Copyright requirements for Civil Celebrants as set out in the Marriage Act 1968
CC Celebrations will ensure that all documentation is accurate and submitted in a timely manner according to the Attorney Generals Department and Births Deaths and Marriages Registrar requirements.
CC Celebrations will comply with the Complaint Process and documentation requirements as set out in the Marriage Act 1968 and all Commonwealth Legislation [not limited to] Discrimination Complaints process. Information will be provided to all clients.
CC Celebrations will ensure all Personal Indemnity and Professional Insurances are current and provide the necessary cover relevant to CC Celebrations service.
CC Celebrations will maintain a list of Civil Celebrants who will provide services if CC Celebrations is unable to complete ceremonies in case of illness, death or resignation.