Policy & Procedures.

  • CC Celebrations is committed to a high level of professional and ethical service for  all clients as detailed [but not limited to]  the Marriage Act 1961;  Guidelines on the Marriage Act 1961; Marriage Regulations 2017,Code of Practice for Marriage Celebrants 37L; Migration Act 1958;Privacy Act 1988;Copyright Act 1965; Anti-Discrimination Laws [Age Discrimination Act, Disability Discrimination Act, Race Discrimination, Sex Discrimination Act]; Competition and Consumer Act.

  • CC Celebrations will regularly update all material [not limited to] Relationship Counselling Services, Invoicing and Payment Procedures, Equipment Maintenance, Document Storage etc.

  • CC Celebrations will comply with and where necessary ensure all Ongoing Professional Development is current and relevant to comply with the Attorney Generals Department requirements.

  • CC Celebrations will comply with all Copyright requirements for Civil Celebrants as set out in the Marriage Act 1968

  • CC Celebrations will ensure that all documentation is accurate and submitted in a timely manner according to the Attorney Generals Department and Births Deaths and Marriages Registrar requirements.

  • CC Celebrations will comply with the Complaint Process and documentation requirements as set out in the Marriage Act 1968 and all Commonwealth Legislation [not limited to] Discrimination Complaints process. Information will be provided to all clients.

  • CC Celebrations will ensure all Personal Indemnity and Professional Insurances are current and provide the necessary cover relevant to CC Celebrations service.

  • CC Celebrations will maintain a list of Civil Celebrants who will provide services if CC Celebrations is unable to complete ceremonies in case of illness, death or resignation.